
Latest Seminars & Events

1st HKUST-Fudan-SMU Conference on International Economics

02 Jul 2024 (Tue)
9am-5:30pm (2-day workshop)
LSK 1005
various speakers

2nd Science for Decision Making Conference

30 Jun 2024 (Sun)
9:00am-5:30pm (2-1/2-day workshop)
LSK G012
various speakers

7th HKUST and Jinan Joint Workshop on Macroeconomics

This exciting two-day workshop is jointly funded by Jinan University IESR and the Department of Economics of HKUST. The organizing committee for this year's workshop includes Marc Dordal i Carreras (HKUST), Yunho Cho (Jinan IESR), Byoungchan Lee (HKUST), Yang Lu (HKUST), Wei Qiao (Jinan IESR), and Zijian Wang (Jinan IESR). For enquiry, please contact Yang Lu (
11 Jun 2024 (Tue)
9:00am – 5:30pm (2-day workshop)
LSK 1005
Various Speakers

8th International Macroeconomics & Finance Conference

08 Jun 2024 (Sat)
8:50am-5:30pm (2-day workshop)
various speakers

The 16th China Economics Summer Institute

The 16th China Economics Summer Institute will take place on August 23-24, 2023 at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The objective of CESI is to create a network and community of top level scholars working on Chinese economic development.
23 Aug 2023 (Wed)
8:30am – 5:50pm (2-day workshop)
IAS Lecture Theater
Various Speakers

6th HKUST and Jinan Joint Workshop on Macroeconomics

This exciting two-day workshop is jointly funded by Jinan University IESR and the Department of Economics of HKUST. The organizing committee for this year's workshop includes Marc Dordal i Carreras (HKUST), Yunho Cho (Jinan IESR), Byoungchan Lee (HKUST), and Yang Lu (HKUST). For enquiry, please contact Byoungchan Lee (
15 Jun 2023 (Thu)
8:55am - 5:30pm (2-day workshop)
Room 1005, 1/F, Lee Shau Kee Business Building, HKUST
Various Speakers

Graduate with honor! Honor Thesis Information Session

12 May 2023 (Fri)
5:00pm – 6:00pm
LSK 1014
Prof. Hyuncheol Bryant Kim

How to prepare ECON PhD applications? Two different approaches

20 Apr 2023 (Thu)
6:00pm – 7:00pm
LSK G003
Mr. LEUNG Ho Fung (ECOF) and Ms. LI Yuhe (ECOF)

Econ Industry Talk: Why Do Tech Firms Hire So Many Economists?

10 Feb 2023 (Fri)
4:30pm – 6pm
Room 1103 (Academic Building, near LT-A) View Map
Prof. Seonghoon Kim (SMU) and Prof. Yasutora Watanabe (U of Tokyo)

ADB-CEP Workshop on Digital Solutions for Financial Empowerment of Overseas Migrants in Asia

01 Dec 2022 (Thu)
2:30pm – 5pm on Dec 1st; 8am – 11am on Dec 2nd

5th HKUST/Jinan Joint Macro Workshop

This exciting two-day workshop is jointly funded by Jinan University IESR and the Department of Economics of HKUST. The organizing committee for this year's workshop includes Marc Dordal Carreras (HKUST), Yunho Cho (Jinan), Jiajia Gu (Jinan), Chen Kan (Jinan), Byoungchan Lee (HKUST), Yang Lu (HKUST), and Zijian Wang (Jinan). For enquiry, please contact Yang Lu (
11 Aug 2022 (Thu)
Please refer to the Program Schedule
Various Speakers

ECON-CEP UG Virtual Research Showcase

13 Jun 2022 (Mon)
3:00pm – 5:15pm
Various Speakers

Narrowly Rational

20 May 2022 (Fri)
Prof. Songfa Zhong, National University of Singapore

The Detrimental Effect of Job Protection on Employment: Evidence from France

18 May 2022 (Wed)
Prof. Julien Prat, CREST and IP Paris

Local Multipliers from Cash Transfers to the Poor: Evidence from Brazil's Bolsa Familia Program

13 May 2022 (Fri)
Prof. Wataru Miyamoto, The University of Hong Kong

Migration Costs, Sorting, and the Agricultural Productivity Gap

11 May 2022 (Wed)
Prof. Xiaodong Zhu, University of Toronto and University of Hong Kong

Optimal Variation of Incentive Compatible Allocations

29 Apr 2022 (Fri)
Prof. James Bergin, City University of Hong Kong

Heterogeneous Overreaction in Expectation Formation: Evidence and Theory

27 Apr 2022 (Wed)
Prof. Guangyu Pei, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Transparency Gap

22 Apr 2022 (Fri)
Prof. Raymond Fisman, Boston University

Bias and Sensitivity under Ambiguity

20 Apr 2022 (Wed)
Prof. Zhen Huo, Yale University

Micro-Level Counterfactual Heterogeneous Consumer Welfare Analysis with Confidence

08 Apr 2022 (Fri)
Prof. Junlong Feng, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Testing Instrumental Variable Validity with High-Dimensional Data and Heteroskedasticity

06 Apr 2022 (Wed)
Prof. Qingliang Fan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Designing Open Source Licenses

01 Apr 2022 (Fri)
Prof. Kim-Sau Chung, Hong Kong Baptist University

Cutting Out the Middleman: The Structure of Chains of Intermediation

30 Mar 2022 (Wed)
Prof. Matthew Grant, Darthmouth College

(When) should you adjust inferences for multiple hypothesis testing?

25 Mar 2022 (Fri)
Prof. Kaspar Wuthrich, University of California, San Diego

Wealth Inequality and Endogenous Growth

23 Mar 2022 (Wed)
Prof. Byoungchan Lee, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Estimating Market Power of Employers in Job Matching

18 Mar 2022 (Fri)
Prof. Kohei Kawaguchi, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

The Wage Elasticity of Recruitment

16 Mar 2022 (Wed)
Prof. Alan Manning, London School of Economics

Adaptive Estimation and Uniform Confidence Bands for Nonparametric IV

11 Mar 2022 (Fri)
Prof. Timothy Christensen, New York University

Unequal Returns to China's Intercity Road Network

09 Mar 2022 (Wed)
Prof. Zheng (Michael) Song, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Competition and Phillips Curve

04 Mar 2022 (Fri)
Prof. Ippei Fujiwara, Keio University

Poverty Measurement and Consumption Smoothing

02 Mar 2022 (Wed)
Prof. Jonathan Morduch, New York University

Logical Differencing in Network Formation Models under Non-Transferable Utilities

23 Feb 2022 (Wed)
Prof. Wayne Yuan Gao, University of Pennsylvania

Optimality of Matched-Pair Designs in Randomized Controlled Trials

16 Feb 2022 (Wed)
Prof. Yuehao Bai, University of Michigan

Balanced Reporting, the BBC, and Brexit

11 Feb 2022 (Fri)
Prof. Vardges Levonyan, University of Zurich

Tickets to the Global Market: First U.S. Patents and Firm Export in China

09 Feb 2022 (Wed)
Prof. Robin Gong, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Attention Theory: Modeling Attention and Salience in Decision Making

10 Jan 2022 (Mon)
Prof. Soo Hong Chew Southwestern University of Finance & Economics and National University of Singapore

Revisiting the Scarring Effect of a Recession at Entry to the Labor Market in Japan

08 Dec 2021 (Wed)
Prof. Ayako Kondo, The University of Tokyo

Financial Frictions: Macro vs Micro Volatility

03 Dec 2021 (Fri)
Prof. Ralph Luetticke, University College London

Startup Types, Structural Policy and Macroeconomic Performance in Europe

01 Dec 2021 (Wed)
Prof. Vincent Sterk, University College London

Incorporating Social Welfare in Program-Evaluation and Treatment Choice

26 Nov 2021 (Fri)
Prof. Debopam Bhattacharya, Cambridge University

Opportunism in Vertical Contracting: A Dynamic Perspective

17 Nov 2021 (Wed)
Prof. Jeanine Miklos-Thal, University of Rochester

Correlation-Robust Auction Design

12 Nov 2021 (Fri)
Prof. Wei He, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Welfare Consequences of Nominal Excise Taxation

05 Nov 2021 (Fri)
Prof. Katja Seim, Yale University

Nonparametric Estimation of Finite-Mixture Models of Dynamic Discrete Choices

03 Nov 2021 (Wed)
Prof. Koen Jochmans, Toulouse School of Economics

The Institution of Merit: A Study of Chinese College Admissions

29 Oct 2021 (Fri)
Prof. Jimmy Chan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Concentration in Product Markets

27 Oct 2021 (Wed)
Prof. Ali Yurukoglu, Stanford University

How can Publishers Collaborate and Compete with News Aggregators?

22 Oct 2021 (Fri)
Prof. Jinzhao Du, The University of Hong Kong

Learning from a Black Box

20 Oct 2021 (Wed)
Prof. Chen Zhao, The University of Hong Kong

A Preferred-Habitat Model of Term Premia, Exchange Rates and Monetary Policy Spillovers

15 Oct 2021 (Fri)
Prof. Walker Ray, London School of Economics