
UG Courses 2024/25

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Available syllabi are from previous years

Code Title Instructor(s) Syllabus
ECON 1220 Thinking like an Economist I: Microeconomics Kam Wing SIU Download PDF
ECON 2103 Principles of Microeconomics

Xuan LI
Deyu RAO
Kam Wing SIU

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ECON 2113 Microeconomics

Robin GONG
Wenwen ZHANG
Yan YU

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ECON 2123 Macroeconomics

Zhang CHEN
Zhesheng QIU

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ECON 2174 Mathematics for Economists Qinggong WU Download PDF
ECON 3014 Managerial Microeconomics Xiaoxuan MENG Download PDF
ECON 3024 Managerial Macroeconomics Yang LU Download PDF
ECON 3123 Macroeconomic Theory I Byoungchan LEE Download PDF
ECON 3133 Microeconomic Theory II Martin Szydlowski Download PDF
ECON 3143 Macroeconomic Theory II Zhesheng QIU
Jenny XU
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ECON 3334 Introduction to Econometrics Kohei KAWAGUCHI Download PDF
ECON 4114 Industrial Organization and Competitive Strategy Pak Hung AU Download PDF
ECON 4274* Programming Econometrics with R Sunny HUANG Download PDF
ECON 4305* Applied Machine Learning for Economics and Finance Eric NG Download PDF
ECON 4334 Money and Banking David COOK Download PDF
ECON 4364* International Trade and Investment Yao Amber LI Download PDF
ECON 4374* International Macroeconomics and Finance Edwin LAI Download PDF
ECON 4454* Green Economy and Sustainability Deyu RAO Download PDF
ECON 4999Y Law and Economics Sirui HAN Download PDF

* Courses with ECON 4670 paper requirement option (to be updated)



Code Title Instructor(s) Syllabus
ECON 1220 Thinking like an Economist I: Microeconomics Kam Wing SIU Download PDF
ECON 1221 Thinking like an Economist II: Macroeconomics Kam Wing SIU Download PDF
ECON 2103 Principles of Microeconomics Wenwen ZHANG
Yan YU
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ECON2123 Macroeconomics Fei DING
Byoungchan LEE
Yao Amber LI
Zhezheng QIU
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ECON 3014 Managerial Microeconomics Xiaoxuan MENG Downlaod PDF
ECON 3024 Managerial Macroeconomics Yang LU Download PDF
ECON 3113 Microeconomic Theory I Siu Fai LEUNG
Pak Hung AU
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ECON 3123 Macroeconomic Theory I Byoungchan LEE Download PDF
ECON 3334 Introduction to Econometrics Peng WANG Download PDF
ECON 4124 Applied Game Theory Qinggong WU Download PDF
ECON 4244 Economics of Human Behavior Siu Fai LEUNG Download PDF
ECON 4264 Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Robin GONG Download PDF
ECON 4334 Money and Banking Paul KITNEY Download PDF
ECON 4364 International Trade and Investment Yao Amber LI Download PDF
ECON 4464 Urban and Environment Economics Yatang LIN Download PDF
ECON 4474 Hong Kong's Economy Yiu Kwan FAN Download PDF

Courses with ECON 4670 paper requirement option (to be updated)

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